[pgm-rg] Last Call: Merger

Laura McGinnis lfm at psc.edu
Wed Apr 13 14:27:27 CDT 2005

[Please note: SILENCE IS NOT CONSENSUS. If you have no comments to make on 
the recommended name or charter, please respond anyway so we know this is 
not just going out into the ether. Since the "who" function is disabled for 
majordomo at gridforum (to protect your email addresses), we have no idea who 
is on these lists. Your response is the only indicator we have there 
there's anyone out there. If we hear nothing back, either there's no one 
there, or this topic is not important enough to inspire you to respond. If 
you want to see this group continue, we need to hear from you. Otherwise 
we'll recommend both groups be closed and get on with other requests for 
our time. thx {Laura/Judith/David}]

Here is the revised charter, including the recommended name change to 
Production Grid Service (PGS-RG).

Name: Production Grid Service Research Group (PGS-RG)

Purpose: The purpose of this group is to bring together grid practitioners 
to document experiences, identify best practice and develop informational 
documents. These documents are offered as suggested guides to organizations 
moving a grid to the persistent level. This group also explores new 
paradigms in supporting grids that aspire to become large scale grids with 
a large user/application base, while not excluding the small grid efforts. 
In addition, this forum can be used to discuss problems and concerns that 
are likely to be encountered, technical as well as non-technical, when 
moving grid testbeds to production environments. This group should have an 
ongoing presence in GGF, serving a SIG/UG purpose in the grid community.

         G-1) Identify technical and non-technical issues that need to be 
addressed for a production grid installation to be successful.
         G-2) Develop "common practices" documents for critical issues as 
they are identified.
         G-3) Facilitate opportunities for grid users and practitioners to 
share experiences in bringing grids to production.
         G-4) Spin off Working Groups when the need for detailed GGF 
documents (e.g. recommendations) is identified.

         M-1) Grid Constitution Document - spin off WG to complete
         M-2) PGM Survey
         M-3) Tools Document - to be completed bu current team (had been 
submitted to GGF Editor)
         M-4) Trouble Ticket Document - revaluate interest, identify 
authors for this document; spin off WG if warranted
         M-5) Workshops

Chairs: David Wallom, University of Bristol, UK
         Judith Utley, USA
         Laura McGinnis, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, USA

Laura F. McGinnis
Project Coordinator: Data & Information Resource Services
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center        4400 Fifth Avenue, # 
409D       Pittsburgh, PA 15213
email: lfm at psc.edu                      voice: 
412-268-5642             fax: 412-268-5832

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