[Pgi-wg] No PGI TelCon today

Morris Riedel m.riedel at fz-juelich.de
Wed Jul 29 04:29:39 CDT 2009


  I agree that we have an open collaborative process, no doubt:

>-Considering that we are not having a call today because both of you are unavailable there might be an argument that additional leadership is needed because you are both busy....

That might be the case, but take into account that it's vacation time, at least in Europe - and the rather more important group argument should be that there are not enough significant 'voices' today to make decisions or even meaningful progress. 

In other words you will not reach 'ir-reversal decisions' ( :-)... a double no ) since there is no one from gLite, UNICORE, nor ARC or even EDGES (to the best of my knowledge) available today.

PGI progress is important, especially to me and that's why I proposed this GIN-spin-off group, and the most of us really would like to push this activity forward as best as possible, but reaching an agreement only with a small fraction in any type of PGI matters does not make sense. Even discussing it lead to a waste of time since these topics have to be re-discussed.

There is no point to have an agreement w/o gLite, UNICORE, ARC. Even another chair can't do something in this particular context - you might proceed with a third chair and continue w/o significant presence but this will certainly lead to a standard that is not broadly adopted in the European infrastructures, so a LOSE/LOSE game for everybody interested in PGI, including US infrastructure providers that seek the achieve the interoperability with European infrastructures as far as I know.

If this group is really following a collaborative process, we should have a voice from everybody who is interested - and when we not wait for one or more interested voices in terms of  'just-going-forward-with-meaningless-decisions' - that would be not a WIN/WIN game in the end that we want to achieve in the group. 

Again - It's the process of involving the right folks at the right time - not the 'pure' standard itself.

But please continue the discussion of  "how does the rest of the group feel about this...?"....

Take care,

Morris Riedel
SW - Engineer
Distributed Systems and Grid Computing Division
Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
Forschungszentrum Juelich
Wilhelm-Johnen-Str. 1
D - 52425 Juelich

Email: m.riedel at fz-juelich.de
Info: http://www.fz-juelich.de/jsc/JSCPeople/riedel
Phone: +49 2461 61 - 3651
Fax: +49 2461 61 - 6656

Skype: MorrisRiedel

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>------Original Message-----
>-From: Steven Newhouse [mailto:Steven.Newhouse at cern.ch]
>-Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:44 AM
>-To: Riedel, Morris; pgi-wg at ogf.org
>-Subject: RE: [Pgi-wg] No PGI TelCon today
>-> I discussed shortly with Balazs that we both are able to handle this
>-> w/o the need for a third.
>-And how does the rest of the group feel about this...?
>-Considering that we are not having a call today because both of you are unavailable
>-there might be an argument that additional leadership is needed because you are
>-both busy....

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