[Pgi-wg] OGF PGI - Security Model - NEW versions of GSI accept RFC-3820-compliant X509 proxies

Steven Newhouse Steven.Newhouse at cern.ch
Wed Apr 8 01:02:25 CDT 2009

Etienne raises a valid point...

> Important is that old versions of GSI, which do NOT accept RFC-3820-
> compliant X509 proxies, block interoperability, and are then STRONGLY

These are still being used and supported (to provide legacy
compatibility) but alongside support for the newer X509 proxy system.

> Therefore, each provider of grid middleware using such an old version
> of GSI :
> -  MUST establish and publish the list of the components which still
> uses it,
> -  SHOULD migrate to a new version of GSI which also accepts RFC-3820-
> compliant X509 proxies.

This group has no right to mandate what middleware providers should or
should not do! But if no provider is JUST using old versions of GSI and
intend to migrate away from them I see no point in trying to define a
profile around something that has no clear specification (just the GT
implementation) and everyone intends to remove in the future.

Surely its better to focus our energies on defining a profile around the
new style proxies that groups intend to support going forward?


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