[ogsa-wg] Teleconference minutes - 26 July 2007 - Workflow

Hiro Kishimoto hiro.kishimoto at jp.fujitsu.com
Mon Aug 6 23:06:04 CDT 2007

Hi all,

Draft workflow minutes from 26 July 2007 attached.

It is also uploaded onto the GridForge.

- https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14702

Hiro Kishimoto


OGSA Teleconference - 26 July 2007 - Workflow

* Participants

   Michel Drescher (Fujitsu)
   Chris Kantarjiev (Oracle)
   Fabio Benedetti (IBM)
   Bahare Rahmanzadeh
   Donal Fellows (UMAN)
   Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu)
   Andreas Savva (Fujitsu)

   Minutes: Hiro Kishimoto

* Agenda bashing

   Michel proposes the following as today's session;
   - Open discussion
   - Donal report out about Taverna
   - Discuss a schedule

* June 14 minutes accepted

* New action item

  AI-0726a: Show typical/existing use cases for cyclic
            dependency declarations
            (spawned from AI-0508a, owner unspecified)

* Action items review

  AI-0508a: Donal to get in contact with Taverna Drill
            use cases for cyclic dependency declarations

Donal has sent out overview of Taverna to the list and
also will explain at today's session. AI closed.

Since "cyclic dependency" is not covered, new AI specific
to "cyclic dependency" is created but no one takes charge
of it.

  AI-0726a (new): Show typical/existing use cases for cyclic
            dependency declarations
            (spawned from AI-0508a, owner unspecified)

  AI-0511b: Michel to pull workflow strawman proposal together

No progress, keep it open.

  AI-0614a: Steven Newhouse will check whether Windows Workflow can
            also be used with CCS / BES style services

No progress, keep it open.

   AI-0614b: Andreas will put the initial presentation points on the


   AI-0614c: Andreas will put the initial questionnaire points on the


   AI-0614d: Steve McGough will compile the list and put it on the wiki

This is a list for presentations.
Keep it open. We will clarify at the August F2F.

   AI-0614e: Steve McGough will look for the workflow material from
              the Berlin GGF

Keep it open.

* Taverna workflows by Donal Fellows

Taverna is not service oriented workflow but data oriented workflow.
It is actually data & control oriented workflow.
Taverna is scientific oriented, underneath medical or pharmaceuticals
resource managements are expected to be free to use.
There is no run time authorization mechanism.
However a workflow should go through ethics committee and it requires
human intervention.

How much work will be necessary to Tavarna people adopt standards?
It should not be BPEL, Taverna is very very different from BPEL.
BPEL workflow document is easy to becomes very large but
Taverna is much sophisticate than BPEL.

Taverna has very unique view for how to model. They don't depend
specific execution environment but use specific meta date.

* Next step

Donal thinks it is remote chance to succeed workflow standard.
No one wants to achieve workflow interoperability.

Chris Kantarjiev says interoperability is out of our scope.
Donal agrees.

Control job dependency is in-scope.
Donal thinks it is rather components dependency.
Exapmle is just run posix jobs.
Donal thinks Steve wants to stay simple cases.

Hiro says we work on community practice document as fast track.
Consensus is "focus community practice document" (fast track).
Job dependency (2nd track) should be postponed and focus community
practice document.

* OGF21 session plan

OGSA-WG will request 5 sessions including workflow.
If it is not necessary, we can cancel it later.

Chris K, our AD, is ok to submit 5 session request. Hiro will do so

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