[ogsa-wg] Re: CDDLM meeting tomorrow, Wed 10/12/2006, at 6am PST

Keisuke Fukui kfukui at labs.fujitsu.com
Wed Oct 12 04:03:25 CDT 2005


I will attend the meeting tonight. Thanks for the invitation and
my apologies to my absence in the OGSA EMS meeting. I had a half
year commitment to my family on the following Saturday:-)

To complement the slides used in the EMS meeting, attached is
more precise description of the ACS in the context of the topics.

As for the subject about the choice among the sequence or relation
diagram, I have a little difficulty to pick one because I have a few
concerns for the approach for the issue:
- In the perspective of the ACS, it is not an issue which of the
   service entity should have an access to the ACS.
- Rather it is more important what types of the information is
   needed in terms of the Job Manager or underlying services. For
   example, they should include:
   + Information describing application itself and access constraint.
   + Deployment information for the application.
   + Resource requirement description in the granularity of the
     actually resource to be deployed.
   + Job instantiation parameter such as configurable values for
     each of the instance and scalable quantity.
- The relationship of the services or where the data store sit should
   be designed optimally for each of the implementation of the system.

With above information, I hope I could more confident for the right
choice. I believe, at least, we should define what data is needed
before which service the data is stored in; they depends on what.

In summary, my recommendation is to define what information is
required exactly by CSG (or RSS), then we can proceed where to
store them and how they can be retrieved.

If I am beside the point, please be generous to point that:-)


Milojicic, Dejan S wrote:
> Hi,
> At the F2F meeting with OGSA, CDDLM had a couple of homework
> assignments. 
> The first one was to sort out how does CDDLM interact with ACS. We had
> some preliminary hallway discussions between CDDLM people, Mike Behrens
> and Sachiko, but they suggested that they would like to sync up with
> Keisuke prior to making any decision. The options have been documented
> in a presentation that Stuart prepared and gave at the F2F meeting
> (either direct CDDLM-ACS interactions; through data services; or through
> information services. I expect that someone from ACS-WG can join us
> either tomorrow at our meeting or at some other meeting in the near
> future.
> The second task item we had from the F2F was how can we help
> provisioning services by providing an estimate of the deployment time.
> The third task assignment was where do we stop in expanding the tree
> (e.g. at the OS provisioning?) and how do we mark this.
> The last assignment was to see how we fit into Andrew Grimshaw's view of
> provisioning. Andrew promised that he will write-up a paragraph or so on
> his view and we will use that to answer his concerns. 
> I expect to make progress on the first three topics tomorrow morning PST
> (as well as the fourth if we receive Andrew's paragraph in a timely
> fashion) and if we get some opportunity we can present the outcome at
> the OGSA meeting tomorrow afternoon (PST) or we can communicate the
> outcomes by email.
> As usual, we shall use the following conference number:
> +1 866-639-4732 (toll free while in US)   
> Code  2362906 (followed by a '#' sign)   
> +1 574-948-0379 (toll & international)
> Thanks,
> Dejan.

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