[ogsa-wg] OGSA-MWS-BOF at GGF14 on Tues June 28, noon-1:30

Steven Newhouse s.newhouse at omii.ac.uk
Wed Jun 22 12:12:41 CDT 2005

> I agree multiple basic profiles are bad idea wrt interoperability
> and architecture perspective.

But may be critical to wider grid adoption which is why I believe GGF
accepts multiple approaches. IMHO it is a pity that this policy still
seems to be resisted... may be we should drop the O in OGSA?

Recall, that the 'OGSI profile' did not gain wide adoption. Exploring
different approaches can only help to improve understanding. What is
important IMHO is to bring all approaches into a standards process so
that whatever mechanisms that are used are defined. Once defined natural
  selection can drive their evolution.

> You can create "WS-I-only" profile but it does not provide standard
> state handling mechanism thus it cannot establish interoperability.

Interoperability and mechanisms within web services to handle state are
two different things. Let's not make those discussions the same.

Dr Steven Newhouse                        Tel:+44 (0)2380 598789
Deputy Director, Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute (OMII)
Suite 6005, Faraday Building (B21), Highfield Campus,
Southampton University, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ,  UK

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