[ogsa-rss-bof] Strawmen...

Mathias Dalheimer dalheimer at itwm.fhg.de
Tue Aug 2 08:05:53 CDT 2005


(For the people on the OGSA-RSS-Bof mailing list: We had a short
discussion on how to start the work on the service description...)

Soonwook Hwang wrote:
> Let me give it a thought on a simple usecase.
> Hope to come up with at least a very simple one.
Great! You'll find my current comments of the GSA-Usecase document
attached. Basically, I extracted the section on how the various
schedulers do their work (their internal workflow). Unfortunately, the
use cases do not state for all use cases which data is needed, but I
think this can be approximated by looking at their internal workflows. I
also included a use case for calana currently submitted to the GSA, but
not included in their documents so far.

I would like to invite anyone to edit the document directly and send it
back to me - I volunteer to synchronize the changes. In addition, I hope
to identify some common properties we need to consider. This should be
the basis of our interface design (for which Donal made a proposal, I
would be happy to reuse it...)

> Mathias, are you ever trying to map the
> usecases that you are looking at onto 
> the OGSA-EMS Architecture? Would it work 
> out? 
This is a very interesting question. At the moment, I am rather
optimistic that this can be done. The GSA also identified some common
functionality in their GSA Requirement document (which is currently
under development, but contains some points we might need to consider).
It's here:

Basically, all schedulers follow the procedure of collecting potential
resources before actually selecting the right resource. This fits nicely
in the scheme defined by OGSA-EMS.

Comments welcome,
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