[OGSA-BES-WG] BES activities' states

Aleksandr Konstantinov aleksandr.konstantinov at fys.uio.no
Fri May 25 03:24:29 CDT 2007

  Dear BES group,

 After reading "OGSA Basic Execution Service, Version 1.0" document I've
got an impression that BES bothers about state of activity a lot. Significant
amount of document is dedicated to how states are combined, represented and 
managed by clients. But in BES interfaces I could find almost nothing for 
states' management. Only related operation seems to be TerminateActivities.
 Are there any plans to introduce operations for states' management?
 Or is it supposed to be done through extensions to BES? If so, then what 
would be a prefered way to do that from BES point of view - separate service,
additional porttype for same service, additional elements in TeminateActivities

Best regards,


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