[ogf20pc] Public outreach of e-Science

Walker, Martin Antony (HPTC) M.Walker at hp.com
Wed Mar 14 07:01:22 CDT 2007

UNESCO is very active in this domain.  They have a lot of programs on
education, science, and culture; see, e.g.
I have come across a couple of recent relevant articles that might
intererest you:
1. The Economist, Feb 3, 2007: editorial p. 13 and article p. 75 on
scientific research and social and economic benefit in Africa
2. Editorial by R. K. Pachauri, "Sustainable Well-Being", in Science,
Vol. 315, No. 5814, 16 Feb 2007, p. 913 on science and technology and
economic progress.
Best regards, 


From: ogf20pc-bounces at ogf.org [mailto:ogf20pc-bounces at ogf.org] On Behalf
Of David Wallom
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:22 AM
To: ogf20pc at ogf.org
Subject: [ogf20pc] Public outreach of e-Science

Hello All,

Bearing in mind dropping participation in Computer Science as well as
other maths and science subjects within schools and universities that
appear to be a nearly global problem as well as public uncertainty with
various scientific areas, I am convinced that we all need to work much
harder at the problem of Public Engagement in Science. I would like to
have a session at OGF 20 that has two lines of discussion. Firstly with
a collection of world leading science projects that have had a public
engagement component we should be ensuring that lessons are being
learned from their point of view. The second component is from the
professionals in Science communication to ensure that their experiences
are fed back into the research communities.

I would also like to think about in future having as part of the
community track a program open to members of the general public,
including local young people with a plenary, workshop and possible
participatory session? I think that, apart from standards, a great
service that OGF could do for research since it should be attracting
both the CS base but also novel interdisciplinary research projects into
the community sessions that can really provoke public interest.

So please could all members of the PC please either contact directly, or
pass their contact details onto me, those people either within their own
communities who are very active in this area or funding agencies that
make a PES component part of any grant etc (I have heard that NSF cam be
like this?). That way we can have a healthy participation in this
session and try to build something in future meetings. I have heard from
dave Berry about a project called EPIC so if I could get further details
on this it would be very much appeciated.


Dr. David Wallom
Technical Manager
Oxford e-Research Centre
University of Oxford
7 Keble Road

Tel  : +44 (0)1865 610601
email: david.wallom at oerc.ox.ac.uk

------ Forwarded Message
From: David Wallom <david.wallom at oerc.ox.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:19:37 +0000
To: Myles Allen <allen at atm.ox.ac.uk>, Simon Cox <s.j.cox at soton.ac.uk>,
Morgane Artacho <martacho at nesc.ac.uk>, <j.redfearn at jisc.ac.uk>,
<coleman at nesc.ac.uk>
Conversation: Public outreach of e-Science
Subject: FW: Public outreach of e-Science

Hello All,

As below I have been asked by Dave Berry to consider facilitating setup
of a session on "Public Outreach within e-Science".

As some of you are actively engaged in such an activity, whilst others
have used public outreach very successfully it was thought that this
could be a very good group to get together and knock out the possible
bare bones of a session. Dave B had some ideas below and I would be very
interested in looking at methods for public engagement and measuring
their success. This could also involve the members of HAS-RG to actually
do some research whilst participating in our session.

Please come back with your thoughts. 


Dr. David Wallom
Technical Manager
Oxford e-Research Centre
University of Oxford
7 Keble Road

Tel  : +44 (0)1865 610601
email: david.wallom at oerc.ox.ac.uk

------ Forwarded Message
From: Dave Berry <daveb at nesc.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 21:59:43 -0000
To: David Wallom <david.wallom at oerc.ox.ac.uk>
Cc: Morgane Artacho <martacho at nesc.ac.uk>
Conversation: Public outreach of e-Science
Subject: RE: Public outreach of e-Science

Hi David,

This session would be in the morning on Tuesday May 8th.  

I'd like to introduce Morgane Artacho, who is project officer for the
ICEAGE project.  As outreach is also part of the responsibility of the
NeSC training team, Morgane may be able to contribute to this session.
In discussion today several names were mentioned.  

We could also involve Iain Coleman, who is our science writer, and Judy
Redfearn, who is the science writer for JISC & EPSRC.   Malcolm is
interested, if his schedule doesn't clash. 

Malcolm mentioned a USA project called EPIC which is about taking
e-science into schools.

I agree that the outcomes are important to establish.  I was thinking of
the session as a sharing of experiences and "best practice" in (i) how
to explain the science in a way that attracts and engages people without
overhyping it (because obviously we don't do hype in the grid world),
(ii) how to engage the media in this (e.g. CP.net's experiences) and
(iii) how to include schools in that outreach.  Those aren't outcomes,
so we need to decide whether we want a report, an ongoing activity, or
something else.  Either way, we need someone who would actually want to
do this.  We also need someone who will lead the session.

I should perhaps make clear at this point that I'm only proposing this
in my role as PC chair.  I'm not planning to lead the activity.  

Best wishes,


	-----Original Message-----
	From: David Wallom  [mailto:david.wallom at oerc.ox.ac.uk] 
	Sent: 10 March 2007  08:36
	To: Dave Berry
	Subject: Re: Public outreach of  e-Science
	Hi Dave,
	What day and session would be  involved? I have had back from
CP.net that they actually have a public  understanding person employed
on the project who happens to actually be based  in Manchester.... So we
only need to know time and place and we're sorted with  them.
	I want to lock down what outcome we want rfom the meeting to
make  sure we get GEODISE (Simon C) on beard.
	On 8/3/07  12:23, "Dave Berry" <daveb at nesc.ac.uk> wrote:

		Hi  David,
		Have you had any response from the ClimatePrediction.net
and  GENIE folks about a possible session on e-science and the  public?
		BTW, the e-Science keynote is still up in the air.  I'm
chasing a couple of possible speakers who are more closely linked with
		Best wishes,
		Dave  Berry
		Deputy Director, Research & E-infrastructure Development

		National e-Science Centre, 15 South College Street
		Edinburgh, EH8 9AA                   +44  131 651 4039

	Dr. David Wallom
	Technical  Manager
	Oxford e-Research Centre
	University of Oxford
	7 Keble  Road
	OX1 3QG
	Tel  : +44 (0)1865 610601
	email:  david.wallom at oerc.ox.ac.uk

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