[Ogf19pc] OGF19 PC Call Thursday 12/14

Hurley, John S John.S.Hurley at boeing.com
Tue Dec 12 15:19:16 CST 2006



I sent the abstract and panel last week. Please let me know if you
didn't receive it. thanks. The panel listed before the storage panel has
some of the same topics included. 


Best Regards, 


J.S. Hurley, PhD
Sr. Manager - Distributed Software and Systems Integration (DSSI) 
Mathematics & Computing Technology 
The Boeing Company 
P.O. Box 3707 MC 7L-49 
Seattle, WA 98124-2207 

Ph. : 425-373-2187; Fax : 425-373-2960
john.s.hurley at boeing.com 


From: Ann Collins [mailto:collins at ogf.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:03 PM
To: ogf19pc at ogf.org
Subject: [Ogf19pc] OGF19 PC Call Thursday 12/14
Importance: High


As a reminder, we will be holding our OGF19 PC call this Thursday at
11am CT. We will be reviewing the preliminary program and open action
items. If you have updates on your actions (listed below) please send to
the group prior to the call.

Dial-in Details:
Toll Free Dial-In Number (US & Canada): (866) 875-2241
International Dial-In Number: 1-832-445-1174
Pass Code: 8755618 






6) GRADIENT- Grid based Enterprise Data Integration Framework 
This could have some interesting qualities. Can we have some of the
customers do the presentation? Infosys is basically a consulting
company? Can this be sponsored by one of the community groups, built on
top of OGSA-DAI? Can we converge this with the OGSA-DAI? 
No Decision

15) Storage Networking Community Group (SN-CG)
Enthusiastic about trying to do this, panel session? John Hurley heading
this up. Intention is to make this a standing session. Looks like a
group session, if it's going to be a panel, we'll need a better agenda
and abstract, 
ACTION: John Hurley to get more info.

16) OGSA-DAI Data Access and Integration Technology Update
Plan A: Merge with this with the Software Development track. 
Plan B: consider joining with the Gradient proposal.

17) IPR for grid Education and Training
The PC would like to see curricula developed.  Why do they need 4
Plan A: If there's space within group sessions, they can do as many in
Plan B: In order to include this in the program, the PC would want
something more relevant; more of a subject around developing curricula
and the roadblocks around it. 
ACTION: Geoffrey to send them mail regarding this and numbers 18 and 20.

18) Policies for cooperation on t-Infrastructure
Geoffrey action

19) Enterprise Grid Best Practices
Robert elaborated on the purpose of session: to brainstorm and the
outcome would be ranked list of best practices. Call it a panel or a
BoF, rewrite the abstract.
ACTION: Robert to refine and elaborate

20) Development of national and international Education and Training
Geoffrey action

23) Harmonization of the Management Specifications - an Overview
Web services convergence panel, will discuss work on specific topics.
Only concern with this is that we need to place this at a time where it
doesn't conflict with standards activities. Would this work as a
kick-off on Wednesday? ACTION: Joel to bring this up at F2F, is this
worth doing in plenary with standards guys? Or should it be a management
area meeting? 

24) (2 sessions) Workshop "Visualization on the Grid"
Broad enough, relates to data management too. Why are these particular
people chosen? Can we ask them to put out a call, not sure there's
enough time between now and January. Concerned that it appears to not be
the world community. ACTION: Alan to advise Dieter to broaden.

Ann M. Collins
Program Manager, Events
Open Grid Forum
15700 103rd Street, Suite 210
Lemont, IL 60439
Phone: +1-312-895-5932
Fax: +1-630-991-2923
Mobile: +1-630-715-1943
Mail to: collins at ogf.org <mailto:collins at ogf.org>  **NEW**


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