[occi-wg] A Precise Model for Google Cloud Platform with OCCI

Sill, Alan Alan.Sill at ttu.edu
Thu Feb 1 12:00:55 EST 2018

Congratulations! Looks like very nice work.

A related question: We are contemplating various models for operating the OGF community workspaces in GitHub. One question that comes up is the model to be applied to open source code that makes use of OGF resources. The position that we have taken in OGF up to now is that OGF copyrights documents (for the purpose of keeping ownership to be in the community and avoiding co-option of the OGF name and logo and to preserve the ability to allow our document products to be uploaded further into international standards) with a copyright statement that explicitly allows credited reuse, but does not license software or claim any rights to software products built to conform to and implement OGF standards. The licenses for any such software products are left to the authors and owners of that software.

This works well for self-hosted software and has not been a problem. Lately we have had some questions about example code and schemas that are included in OGF documents, but the reuse clause seems to cover those adequately. The question that remains would be what sort of license should be applied to any software that ends up residing in the OGF community spaces on GitHub (or in principle, other OGF-controlled repository spaces). My inclination would be to allow the working group for each such space to propose any OSI-compliant license, but we could also recommend or develop a common license that would apply to OGF workspace-hosted community code. 

Any thoughts you or the other WG participants might have on this topic would be appreciated, preferably in a separate thread.(Sorry for co-opting this one.)


> On Feb 1, 2018, at 7:10 AM, Philippe Merle <philippe.merle at inria.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are pleased to announce that our recent paper "A Precise Model for Google Cloud Platform" was accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering - IC2E 2018.
> Title: A Precise Model for Google Cloud Platform
> Abstract: Today, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is one of the leaders among cloud APIs. Although it was established only five years ago, GCP has gained notable expansion due to its suite of public cloud services that it based on a huge, solid infrastructure. GCP allows developers to use these services by accessing GCP RESTful API that is described through HTML pages on its website. However, the documentation of GCP API is written in natural language (English prose) and therefore shows several drawbacks, such as Informal Heterogeneous Documentation, Imprecise Types, Implicit Attribute Metadata, Hidden Links, Redundancy and Lack of Visual Support. To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, the cloud developers obviously need a precise specification of the knowledge and activities in GCP. Therefore, this paper introduces GCP MODEL, an inferred formal model-driven specification of GCP which describes without ambiguity the resources offered by GCP. GCP MODEL is conform to the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) metamodel and is implemented based on the open source model-driven Eclipse-based OCCIWARE tool chain. Thanks to our GCP MODEL, we offer corrections to the drawbacks we identified.
> The camera-ready version is available at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhal.inria.fr%2Fhal-01689659%2Fdocument&data=02%7C01%7CAlan.Sill%40ttu.edu%7Ce677d561225f4358a3fd08d56975255b%7C178a51bf8b2049ffb65556245d5c173c%7C0%7C0%7C636530874231718375&sdata=QeSAlsxtMsHu3MdlXzgpqFKVmE4%2F94%2Fax8uQS069xwM%3D&reserved=0.
> For more information, have a look at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhal.inria.fr%2Fhal-01689659&data=02%7C01%7CAlan.Sill%40ttu.edu%7Ce677d561225f4358a3fd08d56975255b%7C178a51bf8b2049ffb65556245d5c173c%7C0%7C0%7C636530874231718375&sdata=%2BVW2K0x4Els2u%2BDLXQEtNnsopmEF8FsLRZdwu4DJwV0%3D&reserved=0.
> Best regards
> Philippe Merle
> -- 
> Philippe Merle
> Inria researcher
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http:%2F%2Fchercheurs.lille.inria.fr%2F~pmerle%2F&data=02%7C01%7CAlan.Sill%40ttu.edu%7Ce677d561225f4358a3fd08d56975255b%7C178a51bf8b2049ffb65556245d5c173c%7C0%7C0%7C636530874231718375&sdata=8hBl2Y%2BjCO%2Bue3XpJyrluSf2ZAoMCMW7sHCk1MMvZ8Y%3D&reserved=0
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