[occi-wg] [occiware] Evolution proposal in "OCCI Platform" specification

Sill, Alan alan.sill at ttu.edu
Fri Apr 7 08:28:18 EDT 2017

Good to see this caught.

When you have a set of changes that you would like to push out to the already-published documents, see also the errata process, section 8 of GFD.152:



On Apr 7, 2017, at 7:23 AM, Pierre-Yves Gibello <pygibello at linagora.com<mailto:pygibello at linagora.com>> wrote:


This is done now, along with minor updates/fixes, all listed in change log (the most prominent one being the addition of a "context" attribute to the Component kind).

Attached the PDF version (the git repo is up to date - https://github.com/gibello/occi-wg ).

Pierre-Yves Gibello - OCCIWare project

Le 04/04/2017 à 12:27, Philippe Merle a écrit :
Hi Pierre-Yves,

Add an appendix section named "Change Log" at the end of the OCCI Plaform document.

You could take inspiration from the "Change Log" section at the end of the OCCI Core document.


Le 04/04/2017 à 10:26, Pierre-Yves Gibello a écrit :

What do you mean by "errata" ?
There is no mistake in any released doc, my document is an evolution proposal.

Pierre-Yves Gibello - OCCIWare project

Le 31/03/2017 à 17:10, Metsch, Thijs a écrit :

Thanks for the contribution - looks good. Can you maybe write a little Errata text and include that in the doc as well?



-----Original Message-----
From: occi-wg [mailto:occi-wg-bounces at ogf.org] On Behalf Of Pierre-Yves Gibello
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2017 10:58 AM
To: Boris Parak <xparak at mail.muni.cz<mailto:xparak at mail.muni.cz>>; occi-wg at ogf.org<mailto:occi-wg at ogf.org>
Cc: occiware at ow2.org<mailto:occiware at ow2.org>
Subject: Re: [occi-wg] Evolution proposal in "OCCI Platform" specification

Thanks a lot... it was a mistake !
Fixed now, in the attached version (and in the git repo, of course).

The target state for "configure" was "inactive", there is no "configured" state in the figure.

Thanks for reading so carefully, the mistake came through our peer review without being noticed !

  Pierre-Yves Gibello - OCCIWare team

P.S. Please let us know of the process & schedule to integrate this in the next spec release, if any.

Le 25/03/2017 à 14:44, Boris Parak a écrit :
Dear Pierre-Yves Gibello,

AFAIK, this looks like a reasonable addition.

I noticed that you are using 'configured' as a target state in action
tables. However, there is no such state declared in state tables or
shown in state diagrams.

Regards, Boris Parak

On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 3:22 PM, Pierre-Yves Gibello
<pygibello at linagora.com<mailto:pygibello at linagora.com>> wrote:
Dear OCCI team,

We at OCCIWare project (www.occiware.org<http://www.occiware.org>) are using OCCI Platform to
model and deploy/configure software applications in the cloud.

But we quickly came to the conclusion that the current "OCCI
Platform" spec is too uncomplete, as we needed to extend it to cover some basic issues.

For instance, an application component (eg. a software component,
like a database or an app server) will first be installed (we call
that "deployed"), then configured, prior to managing its lifecycle
(start/stop and so on).

OCCI Platform assumes the component is already installed and
configured (it provides only "inactive" and "active" states with
"start" and "shttps://github.com/gibello/occi-wgtop" actions), or
that install/configure/start is a single action (which is not true).

What we propose here is adding 2 states ("undeployed" and "deployed")
and 3 actions ("deploy", "configure" and "undeploy") in both the
component and the application states (all modifications are located
in chapters 3.1 and 3.2 of the OCCI Platform spec: figures 2 and 3 + tables 3 and 5).
Of course, the new states and transitions can be considered optional
by implementers, which would make things as simple as before for
minimal use cases.

Attached, the new OCCI Platform spec we propose.
We cloned the OCCI specifications repository (redmine) on github, and
the commits can be found here :
https://github.com/gibello/occi-wg (simply "git clone" the repo, then "make"
to build the specs).

Let us know what you think, and if relevant, which process to update
the next version of "OCCI platform" specification.

  Pierre-Yves Gibello - OCCIWare project

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