[occi-wg] Questions about OCCI Monitoring

Vincent ZURCZAK vzurczak at linagora.com
Tue Mar 22 11:08:59 EDT 2016


I have questions about OCCI Monitoring.
I read the specifications [0] and the Slideshare's presentation [1] of 
Augusto Ciuffoletti.

I would like some clarifications, just be sure I understand correctly 
the scope of this specification.
In the same way than OCCI Infrastructure provides an API to create 
infrastructure resources (virtual machines, network configurations...), 
OCCI Monitoring allows to configure probes and measures collection. So, 
assuming I have a model of OCCI resources associated with the following 
Software architecture...

... that is to say machines, network and storage resources (IaaS), 
applicative resources (web server, application server, database - and 
assuming I wrote OCCI extensions for them), then OCCI Monitoring would 
allow me to configure their monitoring through a single (REST) API. One 
API to configure the monitoring of several cloud layers / providers. So 
far, so good, right?

What is not clear to me for the moment is the following.
Does this API also allow to request directly a sensor? Assuming I have a 
sensor that collect CPU usage, is it this same API that can give me the 
probe's value (i.e. the CPU usage at this specific moment)? This is not 
the same question than "can I implement a sensor / collector / publisher 
that makes my monitoring data available through a REST service" (to 
this, the answer is definitely yes). For what I understand, the answer 
is no. OCCI Monitoring is about monitoring configuration, not about 
monitoring itself. An API that implements OCCI Monitoring is not an API 
that exposes a probe as a REST service (or at least, it is not its 
spirit). This has the great advantage of letting users keep the 
rendering / analyzing tools they want.

I was also wondering whether there were real implementations of OCCI 
I saw Augusto will present "Beyond Nagios - Design of a cloud monitoring 
system" in Rome, in April. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend 
it. What level of maturity does it have?

Best regards,


[ 0 ] : https://redmine.ogf.org/attachments/182/monitoring.pdf
[ 1 ] : 

Vincent Zurczak
Linagora: www.linagora.com <http://www.linagora.com/>

Twitter <https://twitter.com/VincentZurczak> Vincent Zurczak @ LinkedIn 
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