[occi-wg] XML to describe instances

Augusto Ciuffoletti augusto at di.unipi.it
Fri Jan 24 15:31:24 EST 2014

Time ago someone proposed to use XML as a tool to describe OCCI. As a
result we now have the XML description of high order concepts (kinds), and
an XSD that binds the way in which such higher order concepts are
described. This is certainly a result.

But XML might be useful also to describe low order concepts, i.e.
resources, which is a different (though tightly related) issue. We have an
example today in the "erocci" discussion. The fact of having a clean higher
order description based on XML/XSD wired in the engine does not help us in
clarifying an otherwise straightforward detail about the way resources are
described. This is because the JSON rendering is certainly useful for
practical reasons,  but there is no XSD for JSON (at least to my knowledge).

My idea is that having an XSD also for resources (that describes the syntax
for resources, not for kinds) would be beneficial: it can be probably
derived from the JSON document, but once defined it can be used to automate
the validation of XML resource descriptions, and for all those descriptive
languages for which an XML mapping exists (JSON included).


Augusto Ciuffoletti
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università di Pisa
56100 - Pisa (Italy)
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