[occi-wg] OCCI d3 visualization available open source

Katsaros, Gregory gregory.katsaros at intel.com
Mon Dec 22 10:26:24 EST 2014

Dear all,
We have developed and open-sourced a web application that allows the visualization of OCCI Entities and their relationship using the d3.js library.

This tool has been implemented in the context of the OCCI SLAs extension development and therefore the current examples facilitate the visualising of SLAs. It is though a general purpose visualisation app and with minimum changes and configuration can visualize all kind of Entitles and the Links between them.

You can find the code in the following repository:

and a preview of the visual graph here:


Feel free to get in touch in case you have any comments etc.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Kind regards,
Gregory Katsaros

Intel Corporation,
Cloud and Services Lab

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