[occi-wg] Updates to OCCI core

Feldhaus, Florian florian.feldhaus at gwdg.de
Sun Mar 11 14:35:51 EDT 2012

Here are some ideas for extending the description of attributes. To more clearly specify attributes, a new new class 'attribute' should be added to OCCI Core. For the class diagram this would require to remove '+ attributes :Set<String>' from category and instead connect it with the attribute class in a many to one dependency.
Ideas for the attribute class:
- the attribute class should consist of the attributes: mutable, required, type, default
- the naming of attributes of the OCCI specification MUST start with occi followed by term and the attribute name (e.g. occi.compute.cores)
- the naming of attributes of user defined mixins MUST start with the reversed domain name of the mixin scheme followed by the term and the attribute name (e.g. com.example.my_mixin.my_attribute)
- the attribute type should contain restrictions on the attribute like for example:
 * string: choices, min_length, max_length
 * number: bounds (one or more lower and upper bounds)
- there might be more detailed attribute types such as URL or URI, float, integer, ...


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