[occi-wg] Fwd: volunteer on cloud monitoring

Sill, Alan alan.sill at ttu.edu
Tue Dec 18 11:51:14 EST 2012

Dear ADs and OCCI-WG members,

Any thoughts on the best place for someone interested in cloud monitoring to contribute?


Begin forwarded message:

Dear Alan,

I'm quite new of OGF and this is because I'm writing to you and I'm not using the mailing list.

After the following message, I have seen many other messages related to standardization in Cloud environment.
Based on my specific area of expertise related to monitoring and measurement, I'd like to contribute with some (standard) advices regarding names and rules in the field of cloud monitoring (said in a very brief way...).
Therefore, if you think
- I'm in the right place
- it is useful

please, could you give some hints on how to contribute?

Thanks in advance for your time


Antonio Pescape'
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
University of Napoli ''Federico II''
Via Claudio, 21 - 80125, Napoli (Italy) [Room n. 3.10]
tel. +39 081 7683856 - fax +39 081 7683816
e-mail : pescape at unina.it<mailto:pescape at unina.it> (or pescape at ieee.org<mailto:pescape at ieee.org>)Personal web-page: http://wpage.unina.it/pescapeTeaching web-site (in Italian): http://www.docenti.unina.it/antonio.pescape

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