[occi-wg] JSON Rendering

Feldhaus, Florian florian.feldhaus at gwdg.de
Tue Apr 3 08:31:24 EDT 2012


once again I would like to reiterate the JSON rendering. First a short overview what Alexander and I think are the main points we should address:
- remove all HTTP Rendering specific parts from the JSON rendering
- make the JSON rendering slim and remove everything which is not a representation of the OCCI model
- consider using RFC 5988 "Web Linking" for collection information (e.g. index, next, previous,…)

http://pastebin.com/ZK9Uf0K1 (Entities)
http://pastebin.com/cKGw9pz6 (Categories)

To keep the mail short, a detailed discussion can be found in the attached text document.


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