[occi-wg] FW: [members] CIMI WIP Specifications Released

florian.feldhaus at tu-dortmund.de florian.feldhaus at tu-dortmund.de
Tue Oct 4 06:53:21 CDT 2011


Am 30.09.11 20:53 schrieb "admin at dmtf.org" unter <admin at dmtf.org>:

>DMTF Members,
>The Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface (CIMI) work-in-progress
>specifications are now available for public review and comment at
>www.dmtf.org/cloud <http://www.dmtf.org/cloud> . All DMTF members are
>encouraged to review the specifications and provide feedback through the
>DMTF Feedback Portal at http://www.dmtf.org/standards/feedback
><http://www.dmtf.org/standards/feedback> .
>CIMI is part of DMTF's overall cloud management efforts focused on
>standardizing interactions between cloud environments by developing
>specifications that help to achieve interoperable cloud management
>between service providers and their consumers and developers. The CIMI
>specs are the first specifications produced by DMTF's Cloud Management
>Work Group (CMWG).
>Please be sure to stay tuned for additional announcements from other DMTF
>cloud-related groups, including the Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF)
>Work Group.
>For more information on DMTF cloud management, visit www.dmtf.org/cloud
><http://www.dmtf.org/cloud> . Thank you- we look forward to hearing your
>input and feedback through the above portal.
>Best Regards,

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