[occi-wg] OCCI Security Considerations

alexander.papaspyrou at tu-dortmund.de alexander.papaspyrou at tu-dortmund.de
Fri Mar 25 02:13:18 CDT 2011


during the week (and in the general discussion before), concerns have been raised regarding the overly simple security considerations in the OCCI family of specifications. This aspect also came up as part of the group discussion in this week's sessions.

Andre Merzky and I tried to sum up those concerns and create a more elaborate text for the "Security Considerations" sections of the three documents. Please find the current draft of these sections attached to this email.

We additionally have them online in a Google Docs document for easier collaborative editing. Please let me know if you want access to it.

Feedback would be very welcome; please reply ASAP so that we can close the tracker items and finally get a P-REC!

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