[occi-wg] Test suite for OCCI

Sam Johnston samj at samj.net
Sun Oct 25 19:58:56 CDT 2009

Morning all,

Last for tonight I promise... I (well, and a bunch of people much smarter
than myself) figure the best way to make sure that implementations are
interoperable is to develop a comprehensive test suite from the
specification. Accordingly I've been looking at the various options and
having written the earlier reference implementation in Python (for Google
App Engine) I figure PyUnit is as good a candidate as ever. It helps that
virtually all systems have python either preinstalled or at least available
for download nowadays and that there's a Google App Engine harness for it (
gaeunit.py <http://code.google.com/p/gaeunit/>). This should allow anyone
(including end users) to point it at their implementations and test
compliance without having to download anything. I say "should" because I'm
not sure if GAE supports custom HTTP methods yet (e.g. PUT, OPTIONS and more
obscure ones like COPY and MOVE), but I'll soon find out.

Before I spend too much more time looking into this I wanted to give you all
an opportunity to comment, particularly if you have better ideas? Do any of
you think this (and test suites in general) are a particularly good or bad

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