[occi-wg] Modeling proposal for ReST/Cloud based commands.

Sam Johnston samj at samj.net
Sun Oct 18 03:46:43 CDT 2009

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 9:48 PM, Adrian Cole <adrian at jclouds.org> wrote:

> I postulate that regardless of java, python, curl, (name whatever you
> like), clients will be more efficient and capable on retrying transient
> failures if they are not required to store entities along with their
> requests.  I'll challenge anyone to write a test in any language showing
> parsing entities as faster, more resilient to retries, or more scalable then
> 0-length requests using matrix or headers for things like this=true or
> that=2000 :)

Agreed. Another thing to remember is that by diving in the main stream with
the entities themselves you're taking on a good deal more work and forcing
your clients to do the same. Not only do you have to define some
domain-specific language for the task at hand but your clients then have to
both parse and understand it which creates a very significant barrier to
entry compared to using existing open standards like OVF.

Note that this isn't so much as a change in tack for me as a separation of
duties - I'm still far from convinced that OVF is great for the industry (I
see it becoming another MS Word document format if we're not careful) but
standardising a plain text format like VMX is something we can tackle
separately later if need be.

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