[occi-wg] Issue 13

Sam Johnston samj at samj.net
Fri Oct 9 04:09:09 CDT 2009

Ok so to further explain this requirement, early versions of the spec talked
about dumping similar resources into buckets or "collections" - e.g.
/compute, /storage, /network. The problem is that the web today doesn't tell
you that images need to live in /images (even if they often do). Once you
add the type of resource to its metadata you no longer need to encode it
into the URL (which is fugly btw, and not particularly RESTful) and the
result is that users have much more freedom as to how they lay out their

Unfortunately many APIs restrict you to certain (generally legacy)
terminology like "virtual data centers" and "virtual racks" which is
something I very much wanted to avoid - even if only to be able to cater for
the various perspectives on this issue rather than (unsuccessfully) trying
to force our view down everyone's throats.

That is to say that said URLs are informative rather than normative, and
perhaps even belong in the walkthrough. I was thinking more along the lines


For a burnt-in hypervisor this might be simply:



On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 5:33 AM, Michael Behrens <michael.behrens at r2ad.com>wrote:

>  For paragraph 2.2 Basics, under the URL Namespace paragraph, is this the sort of
> table desired/accurate?
> The following table is a list of recommended URLs and their purpose:http://example.com/<myresource/compute <http://example.com/%3Cmyresource/compute>		Define and configure machineshttp://example.com/myresource/network		Network configurationhttp://example.com/myresource/storage		Storage services (SANs, etc)http://example.com/myresource/application	Application control
> --
> Michael Behrens
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