[occi-wg] Simple JSON rendering for OCCI

Richard Davies richard.davies at elastichosts.com
Tue May 12 09:19:01 CDT 2009

> > pull in tens of thousands of lines of library code...
> Nobody's forcing you to pull in any more code for one rendering than
> another - the Google GData clients have code for working with all of their
> 16 services and are Apache licensed

As I said this morning, GData libraries do exist for many platforms, but are
not universal, and do run to tens of thousands of lines of code.

I'm worried having a library of this size as a key dependency for OCCI when
we could go with a much lighter meta-model (in either JSON or XML) and not
require the library.

All existing cloud APIs (Amazon, Sun, GoGrid, ElasticHosts, etc.) have
specified their APIs directly over HTTP rather than over a pre-existing meta

Should we really be pulling in a dependency which is this large when we have
a clear choice not to?


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