[occi-wg] thought on interoperability vs integration

Richard Davies richard at daviesmail.org
Mon May 11 12:12:19 CDT 2009


This is an important distinction, thank you for highlighting and explaining.

Like Randy, my personal goals for OCCI are almost entirely for interop.

Today every cloud provider invents their own API to cover essentially
identical functionality, and every cloud customer or tools vendor integrates
independently with every cloud provider (c.f. Alexis' old employer
CohesiveFT integrating with Amazon, FlexiScale, ElasticHosts, Sun, etc.)

If all we get out of OCCI is an interoperable API which multiple cloud
providers actually adopt, then I would consider that a massive win for the
customers and the ecosystem and hence for the cloud providers themselves.

I believe that making this interoperable API as minimal as possible will
speed adoption and make it more likely that different implementations
actually interoperate.



Use case: http://forge.ogf.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.occi-wg/wiki/SingleTechnicalIntegrationToSupportMultipleServiceProviders

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