[occi-wg] Quick OCCI Update

Sam Johnston samj at samj.net
Mon Jun 8 09:16:02 CDT 2009

Afternoon all,

Over the last few weeks I've been busy evangelising OCCI at various cloud
computing events througout Europe:

   - Cloud Computing Expo - Prague (18, 19 May 2009)
   - Cloud Computing Expo - London (20, 21 May 2009)
   - Cloud Views Conference - Porto (28, 29 May 2009)

In addition to doing the Introduction to the Open Cloud Computing Interface
(OCCI) <http://docs.google.com/Presentation?id=ddqm27m2_298fsf9mqdg>presentation
I had the opportunity to sit on panels at the events and to
introduce "Interoperability" as the topic for Cloud Views 2010. It was great
to meet many of you and to have various opportunities to discuss (often at
length) the API - some great feedback was given and good progress made on
working towards consensus. We've found ways to evict Atom from individual
resources and adopt a simple key/value descriptor format for a start which
should make some of you very happy.

I also spent 90 minutes running through and discussing OCCI with the SNIA
Cloud TWG at their last meeting (last week) which I think is a great
opportunity for us to ensure that our respective standards are at least
somewhat compatible and avoid a rerun of WS-* (I would hope for example that
we can use an SNIA descriptor format to define non-trivial storage
resources). Thijs is busy formalising this arrangement and a similar one
with the DMTF and I encourage those of you who are interested in these
projects to join them so we can get some cross-pollination going on
(especially those of you employed by member companies - neither group is as
open as we are).

Anyway I'm back this week after my partner's surgery and between looking
after her while she recovers over the course of the month I'm hoping we can
make some good progress quickly. It's in all of our interests to deliver
while we still have an opportunity to be relevant as the last thing we want
is to end up playing follow the leader (regardless of whether the leader
happens to be VMware via DMTF or Amazon with an "open" EC2).


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