[occi-wg] Syntax of OCCI API

Sam Johnston samj at samj.net
Thu Apr 16 09:25:29 CDT 2009

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Sam Johnston <samj at samj.net> wrote:

> Sure, and you'll get that too. Let me whip up some examples to go alongside
> the XML.

Ok so thanks to your feedback today, here's a first pass at flattening the
Atom into INI file <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initialization_file> format
(basically what you had but with "=" for human & computer readability):

category = server
title = Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 Virtual Appliance
summary = Base installation of Debian GNU/Linux 5.0
content.cpu = 2
content.memory = 4Gb
link.disk[0].id = 4696b561-a253-42b4-bd27-7aa4950e0a60
link.disk[0].dev = sda
link.network[0].id = 45a73b80-c957-4ae1-97c6-b70652eba1d1
link.network[0].dev = eth0
mc.state = RUNNING
br.meter.rate = 0.10
br.meter.currency = USD
br.meter.unit = hours
br.meter.total = 35.27
pm.monitor.cpu = 75.2
pm.monitor.mem = 1059374258
mc.ops.start = http://example.com/decca5a5-8952-4004-9793-cdbbf05c3c63/ops/start
mc.ops.stop = http://example.com/decca5a5-8952-4004-9793-cdbbf05c3c63/ops/stop
mc.ops.restart =
mc.ops.suspend =

category = storage
content.size = 148251374
link.self = virtual-disk.vmdk

category = network
content.vlan = 4095
content.dhcp = true
content.subnet =
content.netmask =
content.gateway =
av.com.cisco.cdp = true

Note in the last line that vendors can safely extend the schema with
attribute/value pairs for things like CDP.

Anyway I have to scurry off to the CloudCampParis organisers' meeting - back
around 7.


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