[occi-wg] Syntax of OCCI API

Sam Johnston samj at samj.net
Thu Apr 16 08:12:17 CDT 2009

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 2:44 PM, Richard Davies <
richard.davies at elastichosts.com> wrote:

> The links for operations look good - a simple HTTP POST to a straight url.

I didn't think there would be much contention here. I'm surprised I didn't
get more abuse about using UUID4's but that's a no brainer when you
understand the concurrency issues (and don't want to expose any secrets,
particularly about the size of your operation). I'm certainly not the first
to do this either.

> I'm more concerned about the Atom XML. I agree that what you've done is a
> decent implementation of standard Atom XML, but am worried about the amount
> of overhead which this has introduced.

When you get down to the details (as I did over the weekend) you'll see that
Atom fits like a glove for this purpose and gives us many things for free
(like tagging, categories and embedding of arbitrary content types like OVF)
that we would otherwise have to implement ourselves. It also critically
provides a clean, simple way to link between resources and specify
attributes on the links themselves (e.g. network X is connected to virtual
machine Y on interface eth0).

> Looking at the sample code on the wiki at present, this is currently 2778
> characters spread over 53 lines, using 5 xml namespaces and around 20-30
> xml
> tags with up to 7 levels of indentation. And it's explicitly abbreviated
> with a '...'.

Right, sure XML is more verbose. It's also easy to extend, sign, encrypt and
perhaps most importantly, validate. I actually think Atom is a nice middle
ground between mickey mouse plain text APIs and WS-[death]star. As a bonus
it seamlessly and transparently allows demanding enterprise users to
transport whatever esoteric XML-based SLAs and other cruft they like. We can
also natively support (or at least transport) OVF too which I think will be
increasingly important for interoperability.

What this code actually does is return a handful of details about a single
> virtual machine. If I only list the actual data fields then we have:
> <server>
>  <id>decca5a5-8952-4004-9793-cdbbf05c3c63</id>
>  <title>Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 Virtual Appliance</title>
>  <summary>Base installation of Debian GNU/Linux 5.0</summary>
>  <cpu>2</cpu>
>  <mem>4Gb</mem>
>  <disk id="file1" href="virtual-disk.vmdk" size="148251374"/>
>  <nic>2</nic>
>  <state>RUNNING</state>
>  <meter rate="0.10" currency="USD" unit="hours">35.27</meter>
>  <monitor type="cpu">75.2%</monitor>
>  <monitor type="mem">1059374258</monitor>
>  <storage id="4696b561-a253-42b4-bd27-7aa4950e0a60"/>
>  <network id="45a73b80-c957-4ae1-97c6-b70652eba1d1"/>
> </server>
> That's 575 characters over 15 lines with 14 tags in 1 namespace and 1 level
> of indentation. It is now simple enough that I could trivially parse it or
> generate it from any programming language without any libraries if
> necessary. The equivalent JSON is also obvious and simple.

Right, and when someone adds a "flux capacitor" to the list of available
resources we need to go back to the drawing board (or they'll just add it
themselves and we're back to the old embrace and extend approach). I
envisage that we could [have IANA] maintain a similar registry of resource
types as they do for link
but I think the need for such a thing will become clearer as we delve
further into the problem.

> Both the ElasticHosts and GoGrid APIs are written much more in this second
> style of syntax - which is what we mean by a "design pattern B" - work out
> exactly what data is needed for each operation and write down exactly this
> with the absolute minimum of syntax overhead.

Sure, and you'll get that too. Let me whip up some examples to go alongside
the XML.

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