[Nsi-wg] Protocol Message Path descriptions

John Vollbrecht jrv at internet2.edu
Mon Nov 16 12:39:32 CST 2009

This is a quick note to discuss path descriptions that might be received by a Provider Agent P1 when making a request.

1) simple path  [A ->Z]
	A and Z are ports on the network known to (or findable by) P1

2) Multi-hop path  [A -> B -> C -> Q ->Z]
	A, B, C, Q and Z are ports on the network know to (or findable by) P1

3) Strict -hop path [A -> B -> C -> D -> Z]
	A, B, C, D, and Z are ports on the network known to (or findable by) P1

 Comment - I am not sure there is a difference between 2 and 3.  I started thinking 2 was loose hop, 3 was strict hop.  Now I think they are the same as far as the requestor is concerned.

4)  Mid-chain path [A *-> B* -> C -> Z]
	A *-> B* -> C is outside the request but is included as part of the chain being requested

There may be other path descriptions for requests.

When responding to a request

1) simple path [ A<->Z]

2) multi-hop path [A <-> B <-> C <-> D <->Z]

3) Mid chain path [A*-> B *-> C <-> D <-> Z]

Finally, the times that one uses a path

1) request instantiation of a path that has been reserved

2) request timed [phase 1] scheduling of resource

3) request commited [phase 2] scheduling of resource

I don't know if there is a time for introducing this at the meeting Tuesday, but I submit this for possible discussion.



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