[Nsi-wg] Notes from Call today

John Vollbrecht jrv at internet2.edu
Wed Oct 28 15:51:51 CDT 2009

Present on the call today -  Chin, Joan, Tomohiro, Radek, Guy, Inder  
and myself.

We decided to create a skype group to discuss things online.  Tomohiro  
has created a group and Guy (I think) is planning to send a note  
describing how to join the group.

We discussed meeting times.  It is very difficult to have meetings  
with people around the world.  We decided to stick with 9AM ET for  
meetings which is 11PM Tokyo, 6AM California, and 3PM in Central  
European time.  We also agreed to limit the calls to 90 minutes.

We agreed to tentatively have meetings every Wed, one wed with  
specific topics to discuss in detail, the next wed to discuss status,  
open issues, interactions with other groups.

We discussed the Table of Contents for the Architecture document.  I  
modified the doc very slightly and added people assignments to many of  
the topics.  If you were not on the call and are interested in  
participating in developing a particular section, please let me know.   
For next Wed, Chin and Radek and Tomohiro and will have a first cut at  
a NSA block diagram which will be discussed on the call.  Also, Joan  
will clean up his slides with Tomohiro and sent them to the group and  
these will also be discussed next Wed.

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Guy discussed the list of issues which he sent out prior to the  
meeting.  A number of suggestion on how to structure the list were  
made and Guy is planning to move the list to spreadsheet and add some  
fields that will make it easier to manage and to find the state of  
specific issues and types of issues.

We also discussed a number of the issues themselves and Guy will  
update these based on the discussion.

Some of these issues will be discusssed as part of status - general  
meetings, and some may be scheduled as topics for "specific" meetings.

Guy will send out the revised list when he gets it modified.


Once the skype group is established it may be possible to solve a  
number of these issues on the group.  It will be a good experiment at  
any rate.


any comments, additions, corrections


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