[Nml-wg] Abstract for TERENA

Jeroen van der Ham vdham at uva.nl
Tue Nov 20 09:09:26 EST 2012

Hi all,

We've discussed that we would like to prepare an abstract for the TERENA conference next year. The deadline for the extended abstracts (600-1200 words) is November 30th.

I promised to write a structure for this abstract. I was thinking something like the following:

Title: The Network Markup Language

1. Introdcution
(general idea, bit of history, current status)

2. Schema Explanation
(short description of the schema)

3. Use-Cases of NML

3.1 Supporting Network Monitoring
(Application in PerfSonar?)

3.2 Supporting Network Provisioning
(Application in NSI)

Other use-cases?

4. Future Work
(describe briefly plans for the future of NML)

Who would like to contribute? What would you like to contribute on? Is there something missing in this structure that you think should be there?


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