[Nml-wg] Examples

Jeroen van der Ham vdham at uva.nl
Thu Mar 21 11:52:30 EDT 2013


I think the general agreement is that it would be useful to add something like this to the doc to show how all the things fit together.

We need to do just a few things to make this into a more coherent diagram though:

* Topology contents
The Topology currently contains "..." We should at least show that NodeA is part of the Topology, but then not include details of NodeA itself.

* LinkA:XY & Port_y
Right now the link is between Port_X and Port_Y, both are in NodeA. We can make this into a Crossconnect type Link, but then perhaps also add another example of a "regular" Link ?

* PortGroup example
The PortGroup example stands on its own right now. We can easily change that to represent Port_X's VLAN capabilities. I think we should change the name then, how about 
"port_x:out:vlans" or "port_x.vlans:out" ?

Finally, we would have to add some text describing the diagram and explaining that it makes it into a complete example, but that's minor.

Did I miss something?


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