[nm-wg] GGF15 sessions + today's call

Leese, MJ (Mark) m.j.leese at dl.ac.uk
Tue Sep 13 05:43:10 CDT 2005

Hi folks,

Good news! Our Web Services pseudo-tutorial proposal has been accepted for GGF15 and will run for half a day on Wednesday 5th October. You can see the details here: http://www.ggf.org/GGF15/ggf_events_schedule_NMApps.htm. This is a definite day and time. The correct dates for GGF15 (which I got wrong in the last email) are Monday 3rd - Thursday 6th October.

Our other sessions have also been TENTATIVELY scheduled. I'll let you know of any changes. We should have two detailed working sessions Monday afternoon, followed directly by a session to demo software using the schemas. Tuesday morning sees an open session to present our progress to the wider GGF community - people who are interested in our work but not at the level to sit through three hours of detailed discussion ;-) We hope to have dial-in access for the detailed working and demo sessions.

| Session  | Purpose                              | Duration | When
| NM-WG #1 | Detailed group discussion            | 90 mins  | Mon 3rd October, 14:00
|          |                                      |          |
| NM-WG #2 | Detailed group discussion            | 90 mins  | Mon 3rd October, 16:00
|          |                                      |          |
| NM-WG #3 | Open session to demonstrate software | 90 mins  | Mon 3rd October, 18:00
|          | making use of the NM-WG schemas      |          |
|          |                                      |          |
| NM-WG #4 | General, open session to present     | 45 mins  | Tue 4th October, 10:15
|          | progress to wider GGF community      |          |
|          |                                      |          |
| WS for   | Web Services psuedo-tutorial         | half-day | Wed 5th October, 11:00
| NM apps  |

And in case anyone is interested, in a similar vein to our Web Services session there's a half-day event on Tuesday 4th looking at the performance issues of using Web Services: http://www.ggf.org/GGF15/ggf_events_schedule_WSPerform.htm 

Finally, a reminder that we have a call today to discuss demos for GGF15 meeting. Usual time, usual number: http://nmwg.internet2.edu/meetings.html



Mark Leese

Network Development Engineer	tel: +44 (0)1925 603730
CCLRC, Daresbury Laboratory	http://gridmon.dl.ac.uk/~mjl

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