[nm-wg] reminder - call this afternoon

Leese, MJ (Mark) m.j.leese at dl.ac.uk
Tue Aug 16 08:35:59 CDT 2005

Hi folks,

Just a reminder that we have a call this afternoon, at the usual time. Call in details are on the NM-WG website here: http://nmwg.internet2.edu/meetings.html

Suggestions for things to discuss:

- plans for NM-WG at GGF15 (Boston, 3-6 October)
  this would include the combined EGEE/perfSonar demo
  the deadline for requesting sessions is 2nd September
- V2 progress and plans
- brain teaser: what DAMED style metric names should be used to identify the results of a traceroute test? The EGEE guys and I were thinking of:
  + path.Hoplist for the path info, and
  + path.Hoplist.Delay.Round-trip for the test probes' RTT data (what we're asking for is the RTT of each hop in a path)

Speak to you later :)


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