[jsdl-wg] Tracker status values proposal

Andrew Stephen McGough asm at doc.ic.ac.uk
Fri Apr 8 05:08:36 CDT 2005


I like this expanding of tracker status. Do we want to add something in
so that we can indicate that we have fixed things in the spec and the
xsd schema? or should we make fixed mean both?


Andreas Savva wrote:

>This is a procedural proposal about the specification tracker settings:
>At the moment the tracker artifact status are the gridforge default:
>	open, pending, closed.
>These cannot be changed but new values can be defined. I propose to
>augment them with the following values:
>	resolved, fixed, deferred.
>The meaning of these values would be as follows:
>Open: the issue has been proposed by a member but not yet
>	accepted by the WG.
>Pending: the issue has been accepted and is still pending
>	resolution by the WG
>Resolved: The WG has decided and accepted a resolution, but the
>	actions are still pending
>Fixed: The editor has completed the proposed actions, but the
>	actions are awaiting verification.
>Closed: The issue has been resolved and is reflected in the
>	 work products of the WG. The completion of the changes
>	must be reported by the primary editor and verified by
>	the secondary editor (or other WG member).
>Deferred: The WG has decided that the issue has some merit
>	but that it should not be addressed in the upcoming
>	revision of the spec.
>And deferred items would later be moved to the post-v1 tracker.
>Note that all this is not my invention. I am 'stealing' it from the
>ogsa-wg trackers. (And those were in turn 'stolen' from the ogsi ones or
>other places ....)

Dr A. Stephen McGough                       http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~asm
Technical Coordinator, London e-Science Centre, Imperial College London,
Department of Computing, 180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ, UK
tel: +44 (0)207-594-8409                        fax: +44 (0)207-581-8024
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