[jsdl-wg] Actions from the F2F

Andreas Savva andreas.savva at jp.fujitsu.com
Wed Nov 24 04:26:36 CST 2004

As promised here is a cleaned up list of actions from the (still) draft
minutes. Thanks to all who participated in the f2f last week.

Some actions don't have people assigned to them. In particular would people
working on the schema check whether there are any issues listed here that
they would like to take on?

If there is anything missing or any new items please mail the list (or me)
and I will add it to the actions.

JSDL F2F Actions:

  0. Andreas to clean up document by the next teleconf.

  1. Use the figures from Steve's presentation and add text to the
     spec under purpose/scope, in particular describe how the 'things'
     outside the JSDL box fit in. (E.g, agreement, policy, workflow,
     - Andreas,Steve,Darren
  2. Provide a non-normative example for the other type of refinement
     (aka enrichment) of adding profiles to a job document. 

  3. Add the full version of the normative schema in the appendix (in
     addition to the pseudo schema description)
     - Pending on full schema definition

  4. Add more examples to the document. The following people were
     - Unicore(Michel, Sven), gridMatrix(Darren), Condor(Steve) LSF
       (Chris), SGE(Dan), Business grid (Andreas), PBS(Bill),
       Naregi(Saga), Globus(Nathalie)
     - Darren to contact Bill

  5. Review and cross-check type information between schema and
     specification after the document is cleaned up and any immediate
     problems with the schema are fixed.
     - Agenda item for first teleconf.

  6. Applying preference to profiles. Profiles are named and it is
     expected that preference can be applied to them by an outside
     framework, e.g., WS-Agreement.
     - Andreas to do a WS-Agreement example

  7. How to invoke a Web service application type
    - Fred to provide an example WS invocation

  8. Give an example extension for software requirements (e.g.,
     required libraries). During the F2F we agreed these would be
     under the resource section.

  9. Agreed to define "Description" as a general element to be
     inherited by all elements.
    - Steve to work in the schema
    - Andreas to add explanation in the specification

  10. Discuss jsdl compliance levels 
      - A teleconf agenda item

  11. Add an extensibility example for (disk) performance or
      availability to be addressed. Use the provided extensibility

  12. Review naming of elements for consistency. 
      - Andreas to do as part of document cleanup.

  13. Agreed to allow operators only in places where they make
      - Andreas to do first pass as part of document cleanup (but
        others can try to do this too as part of schema refinement)

  14. Mounting remote resource to a local location: is this
      configuration (out of scope) or do we need to do something about
      - Steve to come up with motivating examples.

  15. Define 'unlimited' value for limits

  16. Dave to do pseudo-code for the profile processing rules 

  17. Sven to do examples for the profile processing rules

  18. Add text on how to write a jsdl document (at a later stage when
      we understand things better)

  19. Chris to provide text to motivate and describe the model for

  20. Andreas to add boilerplate text in Security section

  21. Andreas to add people in Contributors section 
      - Send your name to Andreas if you think you should be added
        under Contributors.

  22. Revisit xsd:token usage and decide if we want to define new
      - Agreed to define new types to replace xsd:tokens. 
      - (People working on schema please check)

  23. What are the semantics for an extension that is not supported by
      a system: reject or ignore? Possible need to add explanatory
      - Andreas to check during document cleanup.

Andreas Savva
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.

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