[INFOD-WG] Minutes of INFOD conference call on 3rd May 2007 at 15:00 UTC

Fisher, SM (Steve) S.M.Fisher at rl.ac.uk
Thu May 3 11:32:07 CDT 2007

Present: Ronny, Arjun and Steve


Implementation news - Ming has created tables and web service for the
basic entries for the publisher. The next step is to create a
subscription using a vocabulary. No special problems so far. Need to
define how to handle vocabularies.


Can we republish the spec (currently Version 10)? - Arjun sent a note
around shortly before the meeting highlighting a major inconsistency in
the document - and a few typos. The solution we came up with was to
explain that notifications from publishers to consumer are WSN but that
the other notifications are not. Steve (at least) would have preferred
to do all notifications with WSN as it says in chapter 1. However given
the time constraints we chose to make the smallest changes to complete
the job.


Chapter 3 will now be called "Base INFOD Notification Interfaces" (note
the plural)


A new 3.1 will be introduced called "Notifications from Publishers" this
will contain most of the current section 3 - however it will no longer
say "similar" to WS-Notification as it will be WS-Notification and all
infod: will be changed to wsnt:


The old 3.1 will become 3.2 and will explain at the beginning that these
messages are not WSN


Finally section 5.10 needs redoing as real WSN


The changes will be made by Steve, Arjun and Ronny and will be checked
in very quickly as version 11




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