[INFOD-WG] Wild naming changes

Fisher, SM (Steve) S.M.Fisher at rl.ac.uk
Mon Mar 12 09:57:02 CDT 2007


I am still struggling with names.

Many of the arguments of the messages are things which exist in the
outside world, so if we change to for example RegisterPublisher this
does not really help as we still need the name for the Publisher record
in the registry as it is is used elsewhere.

I think I like to use the names:


where these are the names of entries in the registry

The first 3 need the word entry to distinguish them from the things in
the real world

DataEntry corresponds to a data source - and is what we have so far
called an association.

We can then use the verbs create, replace and drop for everything. 

I will then avoid the term entity altogether

Note that subscription, propertyVocabulary, PropertyVocabularyInstance
and DataVocabulary only exist in the registry

DataEntry is a bit special as it somehow relates to something outside

Unregister vocabulary used to work with either data or property
vocabularies. I have avoided this special case

I have included a few extra replace operations which we may not want -
however I think the names make sense

Please see the attached spreadsheet for the new and old names

Making these changes to the UseCases and spec and spec will be very
tedious - so we should not do anything too hasty. For the moment this is
the best I can come up with. On the other hand I can't make progress on
chapter 1 until we do decide.











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