[INFOD-WG] copies of the spec

Vijay Dialani vdialani at us.ibm.com
Mon Apr 16 09:38:09 CDT 2007


Gridforge documentation allows fork, but not merge of the document 
branches. That makes it difficult to merge the amendments while retaining 
the history of the document. Hence, only one copy of the document exists 
in current drafts INFOD Base Specification - revised. The back up copy was 
created to retain the history. I understand that it is confusing, but to 
overcome short-comings in the tools capability, we will have to create a 
backup folder, may be as a separate branch from current drafts.

Vijay Dialani

"Fisher, SM (Steve)" <S.M.Fisher at rl.ac.uk> 
Sent by: infod-wg-bounces at ogf.org
04/16/2007 12:11 AM

<infod-wg at ggf.org>

[INFOD-WG] copies of the spec


I see that once again we are getting multiple copies of the spec. We
should have exactly one in "current drafts" and nothing in "base spec
updates" nor in "backup". When we are happy with it we will move it to
current documents. It should not have the word revised at the end of it.

Please use GridForge to do the versioning!

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