[infod-wg] Minutes of INFO-D call Aug 25th 2005

Shankar, Mallikarjun shankarm at ornl.gov
Thu Aug 25 12:26:09 CDT 2005

Attendees: Dieter, Cecile, Steve, Stephen, Arjun, Susan(?)
Regrets: Shailendra, Abdeslem

- Cecile discussed topics outlined in her mail.

- Agreement that amount of information points to 
  two documents (not three as initially thought).
  First document with base functionality. 
  Rest in second document. 

- Moving GetMData description to base document.

- Suggestion to clean up soap/web-services header
  contents description. 
  Arjun to look at WSN to see how they have done 
  it and adopt similar approach.

- POBox is viewed as Consumer with getData() interface.
  Discussion of Dieter's pattern diagram.
  Agreement that there is no need to externalize 
  it as a separate entity in the registry.

- Discussion on structuring the RegistrationManager's
  interface between the base version and the
  extended version (to be included in second document).
  Should the additional calls be structured under 
  two separate interfaces or
  is an inheritance structure possible from the
  extended RegistrationManager to the base RegistrationManager. 
  WSDL1.1 does not include inheritance, but WSDL2.0 (expected in Oct
  will (Steven to look into this). 
  Agreed to represent as two separate interfaces
  with note that they will be put into the inheritance
  framework when WSDL2.0 comes online.

- Agreement to say all versions of INFO-D (base/extended etc.) 
  will include a RegistrationManager (whether publishers/consumers 
  actually use it or not).

- Dieter asked for feedback on his INFO-D Patterns 
  document. Steven suggested that patterns be included
  in Use-case document so that patterns point to
  the specific use-case as a guide to readers.

- Cecile plans to separate document and clean it up
  and post to the INFO-D web-site before next week's 
  meeting (Tuesday?).

- GGF-15 (Oct 3-6 05) plans discussion. 
  Monday Face-to-Face. Current version of
  draft to be advertised (on INFO-D website?) to 
  satisfy pro-forma requirement
  of GGF-15 organizers.

The INFO-D Team

Mallikarjun Shankar, Ph.D.
Computational Sciences and Engineering
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Ph:865-574-2704

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