[infod-wg] Issues and Actions

Steve Fisher S.M.Fisher at rl.ac.uk
Tue Aug 9 09:19:07 CDT 2005

I have just updated these docs from last week.

Note that I have taken the end of July as a reference - otherwise it
shows that we are slipping again. You will see that I have combined
all the issues which were related to the old issue 14 into the
gleaming new action 35, with the main heading: "Break the spec into
multiple logical documents defining different levels of INFOD"

I suggest that as we don't want to go through the whole list each
week, if people have an issue which is ready for discussion or an
action which should be closed, they suggest it for the weekly

Actions with target date of <= 31 Jul 2005

9  Arjun
10 Steve F
13 Cecile
20 Vijay
21 Susan
24 Cecile
26 Abdeslem

Actions with no date: 17, 30 and 34

Issues with target date of <= 31 Jul 2005

2  Shailendra
5  Dieter, Cecile
7  Dieter
8  Abdeslem, Shailendra
11 Abdeslem, Cecile
21 Dieter - Note that 21 does appear to depend upon 20!

Issues with no date:  18 and 26

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