[GSM-WG] Summary of GSM-WG

Jens Jensen j.jensen.ral at googlemail.com
Wed Mar 17 03:37:12 CDT 2010

Dear members of GSM-WG,

Yesterday we had the GSM-WG meeting at OGF28.  As usual the room was
not crowded but we had (again) good people present who could ask good
questions and make good contributions to the process.

We started with the introduction which should be available on the web:

We then moved on to discuss the rechartering.  The need for this was
discussed at OGF27 in Banff, but we only had bullet points at the
time. This time we had a draft charter - where we did some
collaborative editing. It will be uploaded to the GSM-WG wiki shortly,
as soon as I have cleaned up the edits from yesterday. I intend to
have it as short and concise as possible, not a long rambling

Part of the discussion was the need for the group. It is very
important to have an open standards process, and SRM is in fact quite
well represented on the new OGF standards page on
http://www.ogf.org/standards/.  This is all described in the new

Once the new charter is available, I will send another note to the
list, and then leave it for 2-3 weeks to comment on it (or edit it! it
is a wiki.)  We can then submit it to the area director.

I also want to thank those who sent me comments on the response to the
reviewer's comment (the review of GFD.129 and GFD.154). We did not go
through it in details yesterday, but I mentioned that it was there and
showed people where to find it. You can find it, too, it is on the

Finally, we normally have a discussion about use of SRM outside the
traditional HEP community - this is one of the interesting activities
which will be continued under the new charter. Unfortunately there
wasn't time for that yesterday. Even so, I thought it was a good
session and we achieved most of what we wanted.


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