[GSM-WG] OGF GSM SRM v2.2 document

Arie Shoshani shoshani at lbl.gov
Wed Sep 12 16:20:16 CDT 2007


Let me respond to your comment, wearing the GSM co-chair hat.

There is no intention to ask OGF or anybody else to "accelarate" the 
process.  This was just a way for Alex to say that we should proceed 
without delay with OGF, and follow their usual procedure.

Actually, we have been delaying the submission to OGF for quite a while 
for two reasons.  First, we wanted the dust to settle on items 
discovered by the joint testing and the WLCG experience.  Second, I 
wanted to have a good appendix for the SRM concepts ready.  Since we 
have recently finished a joint paper for the IEEE MSS, I could use an 
edited version of that for this purpose now.

The data area leader in OGF have been bugging us for a long time to have 
some version submitted.  This includes the previous area leader, David 
Martin, and the current area leader, Erwin Laure.  We were reluctant to 
submit earlier versions since we felt they were not reviewed by members 
of the SRM collaboration carefully.  Now, with the experiece we have 
with verison 2.2, and several implementations, I believe we are in good 
shape to submit this as the first draft.  There is a process of moving 
the document along the OGF structure, once the initial version is 
submitted.  The term "accelarate" meant that we (the GSM co-chairs) 
should not delay the process by being slow or negligent in following the 
OGF process.

BTW, the new co-chair for GSM from Europe is Jens Jensen, which is the 
reason I am copying him on this message.

I hope this clarifies our intentions for you.


Matt Crawford wrote:

> On Sep 7, 2007, at 1:18 PM, Alex Sim wrote:
>> We plan to accelerate the document process.
> I think it would be a grave mistake to rush this, given the number of  
> clarifications and resolutions of ambiguity that had to be made by  
> the WLCG for implementations. Please move at a normal pace, or even  
> more deliberately!  Thanks.
>                 Matt Crawford   <crawdad at fnal.gov>
>                 Fermilab Data Movement and Storage
>                 +1 630 840 3461
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