[grid-announce] GGF eNewsletter

Steve Crumb scrumb at ggf.org
Thu Apr 20 12:13:54 CDT 2006

1. GGF17 Program Highlights
2. Joint GGF & International Virtual Observatory Alliance Workshop 
3. General GGF17 Information


1. GGF17 Program Highlights

Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) and Masao Sakauchi (National Institute of
Infomatics) will kick-off the program offering at the upcoming GGF17,
collocated with the 3rd Grid World Japan Exhibition in Tokyo, May 10-12.  

Highlights include:
- 40-plus group sessions 

- Free access to the Grid World Japan exhibition floor and program

- 8 Birds of a Feather sessions on topics such as:
Grid Education & Training (GET-CG) BoF
HPC Profile BoF
Data Movement Interface Standardization
Software Certification BoF - Grid and Distributed Software  
Certification and Quality Assurance BoF
Storage Networking Community Group BoF
Standards Roadmap/GIN Joint BoF
Plus a follow-up on the Interop Fest BoF from GGF16

-  Workshops and technology updates on topics such as:
Bridging the Divide between Application Requirements and Standards 
Grids in the Telecommunications Industry 
Grid Solutions in Cancer Research and Drug Discovery 
Usage of Grids in the Japanese Enterprise
Managing Security across Grids 
Metadata, Search and Preservation Environments on Data Grids 
Gridsphere & Grid Portlets 
OGSA & Alternative Grid Architectures

Grids and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (see desc. below)
...and many more.  

- The Voice of the Community (VOC) forum and Vendor Adoption Forum (VAF)
will be introduced at GGF17.  
The goal of the VOC is to bring end-users together to capture requirements
and use cases that can then be incorporated into the GGF standards
development process.  The VAF will bring together the vendor & developer to
identify issues and constraints that make Grid standards feasible and
cost-effective to implement.

For a full schedule, visit: http://www.ggf.org/gf/event_schedule/.

2. Joint GGF & International Virtual Observatory Alliance Workshop

This one day workshop jointly sponsored by the GGF (Astro-RG and related
groups) and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance
(http://www.ivoa.net) will address areas where the global virtual
observatory is deploying an operational distributed data access and
manipulation system, utilising standards developed in the context of the
GGF. The workshop will look at areas of success and areas where additional
astronomy domain specific issues have required a non-standard approach.  The
meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects are
now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific use, where
use of emerging GGF standards in data management and security may have a
vital role to play. 

3. GGF17 General Information

Below are several links providing helpful information on the upcoming GGF
event (GGF17) in Tokyo, 10-12 May.

Schedule: http://www.ggf.org/gf/event_schedule/
Registration: http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_regstrtn_ggf17.htm 
Hotel: http://www.ggf.org/GGF17/ggf_events_lodging_ggf17.htm 
Location/Local Information:

See you in Tokyo!

Steve Crumb
Executive Director, GGF
scrumb at ggf.org
+1 630-252-8610
+1 630-915-3324 (cell)

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