[GRAAP-WG] Negotiation

Dominic Battre mailinglists at battre.de
Mon Oct 8 06:26:43 CDT 2007


In case you like some reading for your trip to OGF, I am forwarding some
references Karim Djemame sent me.  I have not looked into them yet
myself but they look relevant to our session on negotiation.

Giuseppe Di Modica, Valerio Regalbuto, Orazio Tomarchio, Lorenzo Vita:
Enabling re-negotiations of SLA by extending the WS-Agreement
specification. IEEE SCC 2007: 248-251

Giuseppe Di Modica, Valerio Regalbuto, Orazio Tomarchio, Lorenzo Vita:
Dynamic re-negotiations of SLA in service composition scenarios.
EUROMICRO-SEAA 2007: 359-366

Dynamic SLA-negotiation based on WS-Agreement.
Antoine Pichot -  Alcatel-Lucent, Philipp Wieder - Research Centre
Jülich, Wolfgang Ziegler, Oliver Wäldrich - Fraunhofer Instiute SCAI.

Some other useful references on WS-Agreement:

G. Frankova, D. Malfatti, and M. Aiello, Semantics and Extensions of
WS-Agreement. (2006) Journal of Software 1(1):34-42.

M. Aiello, G. Frankova, and D. Malfatti, What's in an Agreement? An
Analysis and an Extension of WS-Agreement. (2005) LNCS 3826:424-436,
Int. Conf. on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC) 2005 Springer.

Best regards,


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