[glue-wg] Glue 2.1 draft new version (0.5) - little modification

Alessandro Paolini alessandro.paolini at egi.eu
Thu Aug 24 05:24:48 EDT 2017

On 24 August 2017 at 10:37, <stephen.burke at stfc.ac.uk> wrote:

> Alessandro Paolini [mailto:alessandro.paolini at egi.eu] said:
> > Stephen, do you mean that syntax could create problems for making
> queries, or other?
> Yes, effectively you're creating a new mini-schema inside an attribute, so
> you'll have to build some kind of extra parser to manipulate it rather than
> just using whatever is native to the schema representation. For example,
> the numbers aren't numbers, just parts of strings, so you can't do
> numerical comparisons without extra parsing, or even verify that they are
> valid numbers. Also if an accelerator name is mistyped it's hard to detect,
> compared with an enumerated Type attribute where you can easily check
> whether it's a member. If you're trying to get new information into
> existing schema attributes that may be the only way to do it, but since
> we're modifying the schema here there's no reason not to do it properly.
> > do you see any other option?
> If there could be more accelerator types defined in the future my
> suggestion would be to have a new separate object class like
> AcceleratorInfo which would be related to the Share in the same kind of way
> as StorageShareCapacity.

I personally like this option. So each ComputingShare object would report
the accelerator numbers in general, and through the new object class
AcceleratorInfo we would have the information on the accelerators in
particular for each ComputingShare.

Then the ComputingManager object could report the total numbers regardless
the accelerators type, since the information on the accelerator types are
already reported in the AcceleratorEnvironment object, related to the
ExecutionEnvironment. Or do we need a new object for each accelerator type
under ComputingManager as well for reporting the total numbers?


> Stephen

Dr. Alessandro Paolini
Operations Officer - EGI Foundation
Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
skype: alessandro.paolini.egi
"I believe in the power of laughter and tears"
    "as an antidote to hatred and terror"
          "A day without laughter"
             "is a wasted day" >>> Charlie Chaplin
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