[glue-wg] ATLAS, GLUE and JSON

Jensen, Jens (STFC,RAL,SC) jens.jensen at stfc.ac.uk
Fri Oct 14 07:35:15 EDT 2016

On 13/10/2016 19:03, Navarro, JP wrote:
> We have a lot of distributed knowledge and experience in the glue-wg. How about if the join the glue-wg list and start the discussion there?  If they could post a summary of their requirements and examples of their storage documents I’m sure several people will respond with ideas on whether they could leverage GLUE, or where GLUE may need to grow to satisfy their needs.
It would be good if they would do that but knowing ATLAS they will not
want to be joined up to the list even if they could leave it later; I
strongly suspect they will prefer a separate mailing list which is
focused on their stuff.  It would also be easier to resurrect it if
there are questions in the future.

I agree with Paul, and as I have mentioned also in the GridPP meetings
[*], it would be marvellous to not only not reinvent the wheel but also
use a standard wheel that has already been invented.

However, I think we will need to be pragmatic and work with them on
their terms - CERN logins, CERN mailing lists, WLCG twiki if need be.  I
am also willing to contribute (as one of the people behind the CASTOR
information provide at RAL where we still have a *cough* open ticket
about implementing GLUE2...)


[*] http://storage.esc.rl.ac.uk/weekly/20160914-minutes.txt

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