[glue-wg] Progress on LDAP schema

Florido Paganelli florido.paganelli at hep.lu.se
Thu May 8 11:57:33 EDT 2014

Hi all,

Yesterday I tested the changes mandated by the new version of the LDAP
document in a test environment and I didn't see any issue.
I didn't see any bad error in slapd logs, and the objects that were
affected by changes are published as expected.

I attach the latest schema and kindly ask Maria and Paul to test the
impact on their products:

A list of diffs between the current distributed version of the schema
(2.0rc5) against the new version (2.0rc6) that is included in this email:

I suggest you check them with some nice editor that colors things up so
you can easily spot differences.

I pushed the source schemas in my git-hub area temporarily, if we're
fine with that I will push it to the official repos:


I would say that we should put recommendations in the release notes that
I added in the README files on git-hub. I didn't do it yet, but the
issues I can imagine we should add are the following:

1) ABSTRACT classes to be in sync with XML realisation:
Objects like Entity, Resource, Share, Policy have been declared ABSTRACT
to be in sync with the XML schema. This means these cannot be
instantiated as is; only their specialization can (i.e. Computing-
Storage- or others like Benchmark etc.) are objects that can be published.

2) Boolean type changed to DirectoryString
This means that if the boolean values that are mandatory in the schema
are not defined, the information providers MUST publish them and MUST
present the value "undefinedvalue"; GFD.147 Appendix B.17.
These are:

If you spot any problem, let me know.

 Florido Paganelli
   ARC Middleware Developer - NorduGrid Collaboration
   System Administrator
 Lund University
 Department of Physics
 Division of Particle Physics
 221 00 Lund
 Office Location: Fysikum, Hus B, Rum B313
 Office Tel: 046-2220272
 Email: florido.paganelli at REMOVE_THIShep.lu.se
 Homepage: http://www.hep.lu.se/staff/paganelli
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