[glue-wg] New Endpoint and Service types

Tomasz Piontek piontek at man.poznan.pl
Tue Mar 11 04:19:43 EDT 2014

Hi Stephen,

W dniu 10.03.2014 17:05, stephen.burke at stfc.ac.uk pisze:
>> 3. We have a doubt about publication of site-ID. The scripts, e.g. glite-info-glue2-simple, require provisioning of site-ID, but I don't know how and from which place, this information can be acquired... Is there some instruction or standard way of doing this?
> In EGI, the site IDs are defined in the GOC DB:
> https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Sites
> The service manager should know their site ID, so if you provide a way to configure it that should be OK. A service doesn't have to be physically located at that site, but there needs to be some kind of relationship - in particular the service will normally need to be configured in the site BDII for that site.
Maybe this arises from lack of detailed knowledge about the BDII on our side but we thought that "resource" do not have to know which "site" it 
belongs to, and the relationship is built on site side where the resource is registered in the site bdii.

We are just wondering if it is possible to avoid any action from the admin site during the installation of qcg-bdii rpms. So far the only needed 
action is necessity to provide the site name. it would be nice to eliminate it, but as i understood you it is not possible.

All the best,

*   Tomasz Piontek               piontek at man.poznan.pl    *
*   Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center           *
*   tel.(+48 61) 858-21-72       fax.(+48 61) 858-21-51   *

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