[glue-wg] LDAP and SQL Rederings

Burke, S (Stephen) stephen.burke at stfc.ac.uk
Tue Apr 28 10:57:06 CDT 2009

glue-wg-bounces at ogf.org 
> [mailto:glue-wg-bounces at ogf.org] On Behalf Of Laurence Field said:
> I will provisionally suggest that we should have a phone 
> conference on Wednesday 6th of May at 15:00 to discus these initial

That clashes with a regular meeting for me, which runs from about 14.30
to 16.00 CERN time.

  I have another consideration to raise, concerning the question of
whether the LDAP schema should contain objectclass definitions for the
abstract classes. I think if we don't do that it makes life quite a lot
harder for anyone trying to prototype an extension to the schema, at
least if they want to do it with LDAP. For example, say that you wanted
to create a new specialised version of Share to describe FTS channels
(which may well be a real use case, currently it's done rather clumsily
with GlueService and GlueServiceData). If there is no Share objectclass
you have to do all the work of defining and deploying a new FTSShare
class in the schema before you can test anything. By contrast, if the
schema already contains a Share objectclass then you could publish a
prototype object using Extension to carry the new attributes, try it out
and modify if necessary, and only then define a new class in the schema
once you know it will work. One of the selling points for glue 2 is
supposed to be that it's easily extendable to cover services beyond
computing and storage, so we shouldn't put unnecessary obstacles in the
way of that.

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